Back to school 2022-2023 : #HateFreeSchools in Cameroon

Civic Watch in its implementation of the #defyhatenow initiative works to counter, mitigate #HateSpeech, violent extremism both online and offline in Cameroon. We equally work to empower youths to become peace building leaders in their school environment and communities.

This coming back to school 2022-2023 academic year, Civic Watch will accompany students with the aid of their teachers for a #HateFreeSchool. It is our aim to build these students with moral values, inculcate the habit of tolerance, a peaceful coexistence and living together. The past three years have recorded an increase of violence in school milieus. Reports of students stabbing peers and teachers, indulging in sexual immorality on campus and others involved in sharing nude videos online. In addition, the two English speaking regions of Cameroon have been timid with schooling in the past years due to the Anglophone conflict. Students fear they might become a target and lose their lives for going to school. Schools burnt down by unidentified men who threaten the lives of those who dare to go to school. Statistics published by Human Right Watch show that an estimated number of 700 000 children have been out of school between the year 2017 and 2021. This is one of the major reasons that Civic Watch Cameroon calls for an active and collective back to school campaign. 

depict the dire situation of children of school going age based in the conflict-struck regions

We will print out posters, print design pictures of peace and they will be posted in the school campuses, we will as well share with them the content of the #defyhatenow Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide; like, the importance of peace, living together, tolerance and the dangers of violence, hate speech online and offline. In the end of this #HateFreeSchool Campaign, we will be sure of inculcating the spirit of building peace, importance of living together and giving them basic skills of mitigating hate speech in their schools and communities. We will want the students to realize that they need #PenNotGun to build a good and prosperous future for them and #HateFreeCameroon. This will help to fosters peace in #Cameroon and our society.

Civic Watch team will visit primary, secondary and university schools to have a talk with them. Other relay team members based in the North West and South West regions will visit schools there and have a talk with the students and pupils on the need of building a #HateFreeSchool for a brighter future. We begin from the primary level so that while growing they will know the importance of peace, acceptance and tolerance in their communities. They will learn that despite their difference in tribe, class, and religion, there is no difference between them. Their difference complements each one of them to make them stronger together. They will understand that without one of them they are weak. 

While going on the field to talk with the students, we will equally share with them online because we know that many students are online. The aim is to reach out to as many students as 1000. If many share, students will learn to be careful online. They will #ThinkB4TheyClick, the spread of hate speech will reduce and the rate of violence in our schools will reduce as well. This is to make students conscious and join the spreading love and mitigate hate in their classes and communities. That is why we urge you to defy hate NOW. 

Join the campaign of building hate free schools by using these hashtags on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc; 







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